Hello, in order to better demonstrate your trading strength and strategy, you are not allowed to use EA or any third-party plug-ins during the challenge phase. Thank you.
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Hello, in order to better demonstrate your trading strength and strategy, you are not allowed to use EA or any third-party plug-ins during the challenge phase. Thank you.
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Trading in financial instruments involves high risks due to the fluctuation in the value and prices of the underlying financial instruments. Due to the adverse and unpredictable market movements, large losses exceeding the investor’s initial investment could incur within a short period of time. The past performance of a financial instrument is not an indication of its future performance. Please make sure you read and fully understand the trading risks of the respective financial instrument before engaging in any transaction with us. You should seek independent professional advice if you do not understand the risks disclosed by us herein.
Trading in financial instruments involves high risks due to the fluctuation in the value and prices of the underlying financial instruments. Due to the adverse and unpredictable market movements, large losses exceeding the investor’s initial investment could incur within a short period of time. The past performance of a financial instrument is not an indication of its future performance. Please make sure you read and fully understand the trading risks of the respective financial instrument before engaging in any transaction with us. You should seek independent professional advice if you do not understand the risks disclosed by us herein.